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Grupo Bimbo Celebrates the world environment day

Since 2004 we have undertaken actions to care for and protect the environment. Nowadays we have strengthened our strategy and have evolved our program towards.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Since 2004, we have undertaken actions to care

for and protect the environment.

Since 2004 we have undertaken actions to care for and protect the environment. Nowadays we have strengthened our strategy and have evolved our program towards the:


focusing on three action axes: reducing our carbon and water footprint and the comprehensive management of waste. Some of our achievements through our Committed to the Environment Program during 2011 are:

Between 2009 and 2011:

  • A 6.2%, reduction of our carbon footprint, which is equivalent to 82 thousand tons less of C02.
  • A 3.92% reduction of our water footprint that equates to over 150 thousand cubic meters of water saved
  • During 2011, we recycled 71% of the waste in the Mexico, Central and South America Organizations

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