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Grupo Bimbo
As part of the World Environment Day, Grupo Bimbo, the most important baking company in the world, reaffirms its commitment to promote, care for and respect the environment.
Grupo Bimbo
Grupo Bimbo
Due to its sustainable operation, the Ecological Sales Center’s vehicles will avoid the emission of more than 400 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.
Grupo Bimbo
Nuevo León
Climate change
In 2014, Grupo Bimbo also signed the UN Forest Declaration, backing up a global timetable to reduce in 50% deforestation by 2020, and fight to eliminate it by 2030.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Grupo Bimbo
Ecological Sales Center that will allow the reduction of approximately 400 tons of CO2 emissions, as well as over 3.2 million liters of water per year.
Grupo Bimbo
Clean Transport by Grupo Bimbo
A través de su participación en el programa, la empresa ha reducido más de 12 mil toneladas de CO2 en emisiones desde 2009, contribuyendo con la reducción de la huella de carbono.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
The COP21
Climate change is one of the biggest environmental challenges facing our world today. It is estimated that by 2050.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Grupo Bimbo
Over the last two decades, Grupo Bimbo has implemented a robust strategy regarding environmental care, through which it seeks to become a global model in environmental sustainability.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Grupo Bimbo
La empresa tiene como meta para 2015, reducir un 27% las toneladas de emisiones de bióxido de carbono equivalentes (CO2e), tomando como año base 2009.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Grupo Bimbo
La empresa se acerca a la meta para alcanzar un desarrollo sustentable que satisfaga necesidades actuales, sin comprometer a las generaciones futuras.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Grupo Bimbo
Grupo Bimbo aims to become a global model in sustainability for the food industry.

Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Grupo Bimbo
Grupo Bimbo shared the firm’s best practices in sustainability with 183 countries in the Global Environment Facility

Grupo Bimbo
Quintana Roo
Grupo Bimbo
The company is a pioneer in the use of renewable energy, making efforts to fulfill its economic and social objectives in harmony with the environment.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Grupo Bimbo
In 2013 Grupo Bimbo used 14.94% less water than in 2009. This amount is equivalent to 287 olympic-size swimming pools.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Grupo Bimbo
Grupo Bimbo participates in the “Transporte Limpio” program since 2009, having reduced its CO2 emissions by 10,000 tons.

Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Grupo Bimbo
Grupo Bimbo will participate this week in the 5th edition of the Green Business Summit, with the aim of incorporating sustainability in all its business operations.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Grupo Bimbo
The company has acquired 62 washing equipments and over 187 recyclers that allow to manage sustainably the vital liquid.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Grupo Bimbo
Grupo Bimbo inaugurated the first Ecologic Sales Center in the Historic Center area of Mexico City, with an investment of close to 20 million pesos. The Ecologic Sales Center will have 73 distribution vehicles with electric engines completely designed by Grupo Bimbo technicians.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Grupo Bimbo
Barcel Occident Plant was built with the highest environmental standards and will be an important source of employment for the region.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Grupo Bimbo
With the inauguration of the Piedra Larga Wind Farm, Grupo Bimbo will supply almost all its facilities in Mexico with green electric power.
Grupo Bimbo
Grupo Bimbo
Grupo Bimbo ratifies its leadership in promoting and using renewable energy sources.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City